What is OTT Platform ? OTT platform in India :

What is OTT Platform ? The full form of OTT is ‘Over the top’. In the beginning, the meaning of the word OTT was limited to video streaming only, but with changing times, it started being used in every product and service where internet was used as an alternative to the existing infrastructure. Such as … Read more

What is Google Trends? and how does Google Trends work?

What is Google Trends? Google Trends is a research tool that helps us find out which topic of which category is trending in which area. You can also see the data record of real time, today, last hours, last week, last week, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years. With the help of Google … Read more

Tara Night Chart | Tara Mumbai Night Chart

Tara Night Chart के बारे मे देश मे काफी लोग जानना चाहते है इस लिए मेने इस पोस्ट के अंदर आपके लिए Tara Night Chart के बारी मे पूरी चार्ट दी हुई हे जोकि लिस्ट मे हे और आप इसको देख के इसके अनुमान कर पाएगे की आज क्या आयेगा Tara Night मे। यहा दिये … Read more