Sinh Rashi Baby Girl Latest Name 

Today I am going to give you information about Sinh Rashi’s Baby Girl’s Latest Name and through this post, I have given you the complete list of Sinh Rashi girl names, you will definitely like one of the names in that list for your children.

Sinh Rashi Baby Girl New Name 

Girl NameMeaningGender
MaaghaMaagha means name of a nakshathra, months nameGirl
MaaheshvariMaaheshvari means power of lord mahesha (lord shiva)Girl
MaahiMaahi means river, great earth, heaven and earth conjoined, the number oneGirl
MaalaMaala means garlandGirl
MaalaviMaalavi means princess, a musical raagGirl
MaalikaMaalika means daughter, queen, owner, a garland, jasmine, intoxicating drinkGirl
MaaliniMaalini means fragrant, jasmine, gardener, another name for goddess durga’s and the ganges, a garland maker, wearing a garlandGirl
MaanasaMaanasa means conceived in the mindGirl
MaanasiMaanasi means with a sound mind, a lady, intellectual or spiritual endeavour, another name for saraswatiGirl
MaanaviMaanavi means girl with humanity, one who poses all best qualitiesGirl
MaanavikaMaanavika means young girlGirl
MaandaviMaandavi means consort of bharat in ramayan, fit, competent, administratorGirl
MaandhariMaandhari means honourableGirl
MaanhithaMaanhitha means together, conversation with god, honoredGirl
MaanikaMaanika means of jewels, rubyGirl
MaaniniMaanini means lady, nobel, women, self respectedGirl
MaansiMaansi means intellectual or spiritual endeavour, another name for goddess saraswatiGirl
MaanushiMaanushi means woman, goddess laxmi, kindGirl
MaanviMaanvi means girl with humanity, one who poses all best qualitiesGirl
MaanyaMaanya means the quiet one, worthy of honor, respected, honourableGirl
MaanyataMaanyata means principles, assumptionGirl
MaarishaMaarisha means worthy, respectableGirl
MaatangiMaatangi means goddess of matanga, goddess durgaGirl
MaayaMaaya means goddess lakshmi, wealth, unreality, compassion, sympathy, an unreal or illusory image, name of mother of buddha, prakriti, affection, an epithet of lakshmi, art, wisdom, one of the nine shaktis of vishnuGirl
MadanikaMadanika means aroused; excitedGirl
MadhaviMadhavi means a creeper with beautiful flowers, springtimeGirl
MadhavilataMadhavilata means a flowering creeperGirl
Madhu BinduMadhu Bindu means drop of honeyGirl
Madhu PriyaMadhu Priya means fond of honeyGirl
MadhubalaMadhubala means sweet girlGirl
MadhubhalaMadhubhala means honey spearGirl
MadhuchandaMadhuchanda means metrical compositionGirl
MadhuchhandaMadhuchhanda means pleasing metrical compositionGirl
MadhujaMadhuja means made of honey, sweet, honeycomb, the earthGirl
MadhukaitabhahantriMadhukaitabhahantri means slayer of the demon-duo madhu and kaitabhaGirl
MadhukariMadhukari means beeGirl
MadhuksaraMadhuksara means one who showers honeyGirl
MadhulMadhul means sweet, intoxicating, a drinkGirl
MadhulaMadhula means sweet, intoxicating, a drinkGirl
MadhulataMadhulata means sweet creeper or lovely creeperGirl
MadhulathaMadhulatha means sweet creeper or lovely creeperGirl
MadhulekhaMadhulekha means beautifulGirl
MadhulikaMadhulika means honey, sweetness, beeGirl
MadhumalathiMadhumalathi means name of a raga, a flowering creeperGirl
MadhumalatiMadhumalati means name of a raga, a flowering creeperGirl
MadhumalliMadhumalli means royal jasmineGirl
MadhumantiMadhumanti means sweet; politeGirl
MadhumathiMadhumathi means delight moon, full of honeyGirl
MadhumatiMadhumati means delight moon, full of honeyGirl
MadhumitaMadhumita means full of honey, sweet personGirl
MadhumithaMadhumitha means full of honey, sweet personGirl
MadhunikaMadhunika means sweetness of honeyGirl
MadhunishaMadhunisha means pleasant nightGirl
MadhuparnaMadhuparna means tulsi leafGirl
MadhupreethaMadhupreetha means goddess durga, she who likes honeyGirl
MadhuraMadhura means sugar, a birdGirl
MadhuraniMadhurani means queen of beesGirl
MadhuriMadhuri means sweet girlGirl
MadhurimaMadhurima means sweetnessGirl
MadhuryaMadhurya means she who has voice sweeterGirl
MadhushaMadhusha means beautyGirl
MadhushreeMadhushree means beauty of springGirl
MadhushriMadhushri means beauty of springGirl
MadhuvanthiMadhuvanthi means sweet like honey, name of a ragaGirl
MadhuvantiMadhuvanti means sweet like honey, name of a ragaGirl
MadhviMadhvi means a creeper with beautiful flowers, springtimeGirl
MadiraMadira means nectar, intoxicating, wineGirl
MadirakshiMadirakshi means woman with intoxicating eyesGirl
MadriMadri means second wife of pandu; mother of nakul and sahdeva; daughter of king shalya (second wife of pandu; mother of nakul and sahdeva; daughter of king shalya.)Girl
MaduraMadura means sugar, a birdGirl
MagadhiMagadhi means flowerGirl
MaganaMagana means engrossedGirl
MagathiMagathi means greatGirl
MageshwariMageshwari means god nameGirl
MaghaMagha means name of a nakshathra, months nameGirl
MaghiMaghi means giving giftsGirl
MaghnaMaghna means river gangasGirl
Maha DurgaMaha Durga means the goddess durga’s who is sleepingGirl
Maha LakshmiMaha Lakshmi means goddess lakshmi, lakshmi the great, consort of vishnu, she is the presiding deity at kolhapur, she destroyed a daitya called mahal hence she is called mahalsa or mahalakshmiGirl
MahaabalaMahaabala means having immense strength, great strength, enormously strong lordGirl
MahabhadraMahabhadra means ganga riverGirl
MahadeviMahadevi means goddess parvati, the great goddess, an epithet of durga, consort of shiva, an epithet of lakshmi, consort of vishnu, epithet of parvati, mahadevi is the presiding deity at the chakrateerth on the gandakee riverGirl
MahagangaMahaganga means the great gangaGirl
MahagauriMahagauri means goddess durga, one of the nine forms of durga, name of a riverGirl
MahajabeenMahajabeen means beautifulGirl
MahakaliMahakali means goddess durga, the most destructive and terrible aspect of the shakti power principle, an epithet of durga’s in her terrific formGirl
MahakantaMahakanta means earthGirl
MahakanthaMahakantha means earthGirl
MahalakshmiMahalakshmi means goddess lakshmi, lakshmi the great, consort of vishnu, she is the presiding deity at kolhapur, she destroyed a daitya called mahal hence she is called mahalsa or mahalakshmiGirl
MahalasaMahalasa means goddess lakshmi, the one who leisurely enjoys lifeGirl
MahalaxmiMahalaxmi means goddess lakshmi, lakshmi the great, consort of vishnu, she is the presiding deity at kolhapur, she destroyed a daitya called mahal hence she is called mahalsa or mahalakshmiGirl
MahalikaMahalika means woman, attendantGirl
MahanandiMahanandi means name of a ragaGirl
MahanthiMahanthi means goddessGirl
MahanyaMahanya means one who save the worldGirl


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